SEFAC: Social Engagement Framework for Addressing the Chronic-disease-challenge
SEFAC supports the actions in the European regions, in alignment with national/EU efforts to reduce the burden of major chronic disease and to increase the sustainability of health systems. SEFAC fosters the involvement of volunteers in a broad community approach initiated by social and health care. The focus of SEFAC is on positive health, prevention, empowerment and self-management, using group and individual approaches, face-to-face and online, supported by user friendly ICT tools.
Four regions in varied European countries will actively participate as SEFAC pilot sites. Citizens of circa 50 years and older, who have a major chronic disease or who want to prevent chronic disease, and social/health professionals, pharmacists and volunteers will co-create communities for the promotion of health, and prevention and (self) management of chronic diseases.
In 4 pilot regions (Rijeka in Croatia, Treviso in Italy, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and Cornwall in the UK), a total of 1000 citizens (250 per pilot) will be involved through community meetings. In total 360 participants (90 per pilot) will actively participate in a range of prevention and disease management activities; i.e. a series of group activities in addition to individual (volunteer reinforced) care pathways and the use of ICT tools. Stakeholders in the 4 pilot regions will be trained to implement prevention and self-management activities with help of volunteers using a ‘Social engagement toolkit’.
We will apply the CDC-Framework for Program Evaluation including the perspectives of the end-users (citizens who want to prevent/self-manage chronic disease), as well as social/health care providers, pharmacists, volunteers and other stakeholders; a cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed. Using the learnings of this project, a SEFAC toolbox for implementation in European regions will be developed, including policy briefs providing policy makers and public authorities with key points for action.

This webiste is part of the project ‘738202 / SEFAC’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it can not be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.