• Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam – Department of Public Health (EMC), Netherlands

  • Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (ISRAA), Italy

  • Anonimi Etairia Erevnas, Kainotomias kai Anaptiksis Tilematikis Texnologias – VIDAVO A.E. (VIDAVO), Greece

  • Medicinski Fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci (MEDRI), Croatia

  • European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network / Réseau Européen pour l’Inclusion et l’Action Sociale Locale (ELISAN), France

  • Universitat de València (UVEG), Institute Polibienestar, Spain

  • Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly (AGE UK), United Kingdom


Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam – Department of Public Health (EMC), The Netherlands

Hein Raat, MD, PhD, MBA is professor and expert in E-health applications in community care for high risk groups and with regard to patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) to include the patient perspective in health care innovations. He develops, implements, and evaluates how information technology (E-health) empowers patients and (informal) caregivers. He studies the impact of social factors including migrant status and poverty on health. He is project leader of the EU-funded Urban Health Centre 2.0 (http://www.uhce.eu/). He is actively engaged in exchanges between research, policy, and practice. He authored circa 225 peer-reviewed international scientific publications. In the SEFAC project, Prof. Raat leads WP 1 and WP 8.

Others involved: Sophie Korenhof, Ellen Rouwet, Liset Elstgeest, Kyra Ubaghs, Demi Cheng


Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (ISRAA), Italy

Oscar Zanutto is a psychologist of work and organizations, Oscar has been working in ISRAA since 2000 first as manager in an ISRAA’s nursing home, then, since 2010 till now as chief of quality, ICT and European Projects affairs. He has been working as project manager in several Italian and EU projects in the field of active ageing, iOT and ICT application to home care delivery and community based interventions. Skills: European projects management, coordination of human resources, processes and organizational service design of care delivery dedicated to different, target elderly, definition of project teams and their coordination with the thematic objectives, analysis and implementation of management software dedicated to the social and health care processes and business intelligence data production. Oscar Zanutto also works as trainer in University master for psychologists managed by Padua University and gives consultants and training activities in nursing homes about human resource management. Oscar Zanutto is also the author of: “La leadership in RSA”, and “La Bussiness Intelligence in RSA” Maggioli Editore (2013). In the SEFAC project, Oscar Zanutto leads WP 5.

Others involved: Stefania Macchione, Sara Ceron, Cinzia Marigo, Lucia Michielon, Davide Tuis, Antonella Buranello, Emanuela Capotosto, Elisa Carena, Michele Rizzo


VIDAVO, Greece 

Anastasios Rentoumis BSc, MSc, DCP is an experienced Health Services Researcher and Project Manager in Health Care Projects in Greece and in the Balkans. He is especially involved in e-health facilitated integrated care and disease management projects for frail people and those suffering from chronic conditions. He is the project coordinator for Greece in the ATTICA Pilot of the CIP-ICT-PSP co-funded project SmartCare (www.pilotsmartcare.eu) since 2013 regarding integration of care in type II Diabetes elderly patients, empowered by e-health solutions. He is also involved since 2014 as a work package leader in the EU-funded Urban Health Centre 2.0 (www.uhce.eu) studying integrated health and social care pathways, early detection of frailty, management of polypharmacy and prevention of falls for active and healthy ageing in 5 European cities. In the SEFAC project, Anastasios Rentoumis leads WP 6.

Athanasia (Nancy) Karanasiou received her diploma in Information and Communication Sciences from the Technological Educational Institute of Serres, Greece. The subject of her thesis was the Development of a web-based application of an Electronic Health Record (EHR), which enabled the systematic collection of electronic health information and vital signs of medical wireless devices about individual patients. She is currently working for VIDAVO where she is in charge of the IT department; she plans and coordinates all activities regarding the development, customization, installation and technical support of medical applications/devices. She has participated in several eHealth projects both national and European, as the person in charge of the development, installation and technical support. She also publishes in relevant conferences and journals.

 Others involved: Stavros Ampelidis, Markella Psymarnou


Sveučilište u Rijeci, Medicinski fakultet (MEDRI), Croatia.

Vanja Vasiljev Marchesi, PhD, M.Sc. works as an assistant professor at Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka. She is a Head of Department of Public Health on Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka. She was working on scientific projects regarding experimental microbiology and immunology and national (EUROBioAct, EH-UH-2) and European projects regarding public health (IPA-CLOUD, ENRETE, UHCE 2.0). Her research interests are devoted to microbiology and public health.

Others involved: Tomislav Rukavina, Lovorka Bilajac, Denis Juraga, Ivana Godnič, Darko Roviš, Sven Maričić, Maša Knežević, Mihaela Marinović Glavić 


European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network / Réseau Européen pour l’Inclusion et l’Action Sociale Locale (ELISAN), France

Elena Curtopassi is a senior policy officer working on international Social cultural affairs for the Veneto Region Brussels Office since 1997. Her main tasks and responsibilities include International relations, partnerships in European projects including the new programming instruments: Erasmus for All, Horizon 2020, EaSi. – Information and counselling: partner searches, answering requests and supporting Local and Regional authorities (in the implementation of European Social policies and Agenda. In addition, she is in charge of steering the Elisan and ENSA (European Network of Social Authorities) networks. She is member of the Board of the Covenant on Demographic Change and works representing ELISAN in the  Committee on Democracy, Social Cohesion and Global Challenges Conference of INGOs – Council of Europe.

Others involved:


Universitat de València (UVEG), Institute Polibienestar, Spain

Jorge Garcés Ferrer is Full Professor of Social Policy, director of the Polibienestar Research Institute and former Prince of Asturias Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown University (Washington, DC, USA), Guest Professor at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and at Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Guest Researcher at the Universities of Washington, Oxford and Cambridge.
As a researcher, he develops his work in Polibienestar Research Institute which is a specialized center in public policy research and consultancy using an interdisciplinary methodological approach. His research has been focused on Comparative Social Policy in Europe, especially on ageing and social innovation and on the increase of efficiency and effectiveness of long term care policies in Europe.

Tamara Alhambra-Borrás is a researcher at Polibienestar Research Institute – University of Valencia (Spain). Tamara Alhambra-Borrás has a PhD in Psychology. She also has a Master Degree in Research and Interventions in Psychopathology and Health (2012) and a Master Degree in General Health Psychology (2014), both by the Universitat de València. She has large expertise in participating in European projects as researcher and also as project manager in a public research institute of the University of Valencia. Moreover, she has experience working abroad in health-related projects, concretely in India and South Africa.

 Others involved: Estrella Durá Ferrandis


Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly (AGE UK), United Kingdom

Nigel Clark has been involved in care services for 18 years, the last 9 years at Age UK Cornwall. His primary role has been as Director of Care, overseeing the various operational activities of Age UK Cornwall that support older people throughout the county, including active involvement in the Living Well project and way of working that began in 2009.
More recently, he has served as Chief Executive and now Director of People and Estates. He is committed to seeing organizations working more effectively together to deliver quality services to the most vulnerable in our society. Nigel is actively involved in various committees in the voluntary sector, as well as sitting on Health and Social Care working groups. In the SEFAC project, Nigel Clark leads WP 4.

 Others involved: Scott Bennett, Tracey Roose


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